Don't Forget to Look Back at your Herd

Don't Forget to Look Back at your Herd

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Originally Published Dec.19, 2001 in the Amarillo Globe-News

Recently I received yet another junk email with an empty subject line.  I was about to delete it when the first line caught my attention - "Don't squat with your spurs on."  I kept reading.  "Never slap a man who's been chewin' tobacco." "Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier 'n puttin' it back."  There were probably 20 of these cowboy words of wisdom, but one really caught my attention.

"If you're ridin' ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it's still there.

I decided to ask people around our office in the Jack B. Kelley Student Center at West Texas A&M University how this related to leadership.  I got several answers, and all were good.  The first person I approached said that people want to know they're being followed.  If you are a leader (and I believe that we all are), then you should have followers.  If the herd isn't behind you, then you might not be functioning too well as a leader.  It might be time to go back, find the herd, and rethink the direction you're headed.

Another person I approached thought about leaders who head in the direction of the latest and greatest research on some new trend.  The current research says a certain thing, and we all go running in that direction.  Then, leaders look back and no one is there.  Where did they go?  Why aren't they doing what we planned for them?  Maybe we get so focused on the research or the latest trend that we miss why no one is involved.  What happens if the herd isn't there?  Do you leave the corral and discover a new direction, or do you continue to do the same ol' thing because the experts say it should be done that way?

I thought, "How many times do I forget to check on my students, my colleagues, or my family?"  We all have the tendency to get so busy with the daily grind of getting things done at work and at home that we don't check on our herd.  We let them fend for themselves, hope they will stay with us on the trail, and pray that they find the grass and water they need to survive.

I hope that I don't forget to check on my herds.  I hope that I have the insight to change directions if needed.  I hope that I make sure they have the guidance they need.  I hope that I will be better at realizing the long hours people devote to work and that I am aware this takes away from their personal interests.  I also hope I am better at recognizing them for the good jobs they do.

Don't forget to look back at your herd.  Are they still there?  If not, what are you going to do?  Will you just keep trying to do the same ol' things, or will you look to find the pulse of your job, employees, family or friends to keep you and the herd moving in the same direction?

Let's herd 'em up and move 'em out!  Plan experiences for others that they are excited about, will become involved in and encourage others to get involved in.  Let's "do-si-do" into new ideas.  And folks, don't forget the cow chippin' and ropin" (fun and games).

In the words of Dale Evans:

                    Some trails are happy ones,

                    Others are blue.

                    It's the way you ride the trail that counts,

                    Here's a happy one for you.

Dr. Keri Rogers is former director of the Jack B. Kelley Student Center at West Texas A&M University

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